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Conservation of water in Singapore is important as there is only limited supply of water.This is due to the large quantity consumption of water per household. One of the consequences faced by Singapore is having a shortage of water. Another consequence is that Singapore might not have enough supply of water for our future generation. Water is used all around the country. It holds major duties to support the whole country. Recreation, hospitality etc. Water is very important to each and everyone of us. So let's all do our best in conserving water!

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~ { the♥end } ~
(c) isabella, adillah, yjasmin, huiwei, junjie;

(Household) Conservation of Water

  • Stack and run a full dishwasher.
  • Wash dishes by hand and use the sink to both wash and rinse dishes.
  • Try not to rinse dishes under running water.
  • Rinse them in a separate sink of water.
  • Shower instead of taking baths.
  • Turn the shower off when soaping down or washing hair.
  • Turn the shower on to rinse.
  • When brushing your teeth, run water only to rinse the brush, and turn the water off while brushing.
  • Install low flow shower heads and low water use toilets.
  • Wash clothes using a full washing machine.
  • Check leaky toilets.
  • Check leaky watering systems and pipes.
  • For more information contact your local water company for information on how to perform the checks.
  • In the garden mulch plants to promote water retention.
  • Install drip watering systems.
  • Do not water during the hottest part of the day.
  • Water during the cooler part of the day to prevent evaporation.
  • Plant low water use plants.
  • Learn Xeriscaping.
  • As to promoting water quality, check with water officials on ways to protect the environment. Some areas have a recycling program to help protect the environment. Use it.

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~ { the♥end } ~
(c) isabella, adillah, yjasmin, huiwei, junjie;

Indoor Conservation of Water

This video shows us on how to conserve water indoors indoors. Conserve water indoors. In these little ways, we're adding up to big savings. So this methods could help us alot in conserving water (:

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~ { the♥end } ~
(c) isabella, adillah, yjasmin, huiwei, junjie;

2D in Marina Barrage

these are pictures of 2D in Marina Barrage (25 May 2009) Just for fun! :D

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~ { the♥end } ~
(c) isabella, adillah, yjasmin, huiwei, junjie;